Meet myicons!
Your flat icons manager and font builder.
MyIcons is a web app that intended to be your flat icons manager and web icon font builder. It covers all common functions needed and is designed to be extremely easy to deploy.

Live Test

Preview your icons directly in your own webpages, in realtime.


Enhanced for team usage. You can manage members easily.


All modifications will be tracked, all deletions can be undo.

Clear UI
The whole app is designed in a flat and clear form. The app is very simple to work with. Be happy to meet it!
SVG icons
Other than pick icons from packs you uploaded, you can also upload SVG files directly. It enables you to build web icon font with icons made by yourself.
Smart labels
Nine build-in smart labels. Once your icons is uploaded, they will be auto classified by these labels!
Font files
Build your icon storage by uploading a icon font and its CSS, the shapes and icon names will be retrieved and matched automatically.
Open sourced
The whole app is released under BSD 2-clause license, you can use and modify it freely. Forking and pull request is welcome!
Easy to deploy
MyIcons is so easy to deploy. You can deploy it on to heroku, dokku or your Linux server in 3 minutes!


Deploy to heroku in 3 minutes!

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